back seat jivers


After around 30 years of occasional but very enjoyable rock'n'roll The Back Seat Jivers have decided to call it a day, mainly because of the geographical challenges posed by the band members now being spread around the country. Thanks to all those who booked us, apologies to the many would-be bookers we had to turn down. It's been great fun but now from...

  • Clive Harvey - guitar / vocals
  • Steve Salfield - saxophones
  • Graham Jones - double bass / backing vocals
  • Phil Naylor - drums

...it's goodbye from BSJ (the band that TURNED DOWN GLASTONBURY due to a prior engagement - stupid but reliable!). Here's a reminder of how the band sounded:

...and we still have a few copies of our CD 'New Moon' for sale. Go to Contact page to enquire.